Furniture Promotion Possibilities Tip #13: Why Renovate Your Store?
Profit Management Promotions Why wear the same clothes over and over again? Wouldn't people wonder why you look the same each time they see you? Of course they would and that's one of the reasons to look different each day. Now, if you really looked …
Read more on Furniture World Magazine (press release)
Good News: Achieving Wealth Is More Common Than You Think
The short-lived affluence of the impermanently rich is often driven by a specific event — a new job or promotion, a yearly bonus, a spouse entering the labor market — that is either temporary by nature or subsequently undermined by a job loss …
Read more on OZY
Round Table: What changes would you like to see Scott Coker make with …
It's hard to take a champion seriously when half his division is fighting at a demonstrably lower level than the best regional promotions, even if the top 10-15 fighters are generally quite decent. Connor Ruebusch: I know you asked about …. Of course …
Read more on Bloody Elbow